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Numerous fitness clubs have constrained timings but at Anytime fitness you can be certain by one thing ; there is no time restraint! Anytime Fitness hours are 24 hours, 7 days a week and 365 days a year leaving customers with no excuse for not finding enough time for their work outs.


What time does Anytime Fitness Close ?

Anytime Fitness Hours never stop except for on important holidays. The Gym is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Are Anytime Fitness Centers Open on Holidays ?

Most Anytime Fitness clubs are OPEN on these occasions

  • New Year’s Eve
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Presidents Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Father’s Day
  • Labor Day
  • Black Friday
  • Christmas Eve
  • Independence Day

Yes, most Anytime Fitness gyms are open 365 days for every year! Also open round the clock. In the event that you have the day off from work, there’s no reason for not getting an awesome workout!


To find the Nearest Anytime Fitness location near you, there is a speedy and simple approach to discover the closest fitness center : Visit the Anytime Fitness website and select the gym locator tool to find the nearest anytime fitness club that suits your requirements.

CLICK HERE to go to Anytime Fitness Tool Locator.

Here you can find the closest location by entering  your State, Zip code or city and you can also make sure the particular location has the amenities that you are looking for. For example you might want to go to the location with a swimming pool or a wellness program. Each location will list all these options that it provides.

After clicking search symbol you will be taken to the all the Anytime Fitness gyms nearest to your location and hereby you can click each location to find the applicable information in reference to that specific Anytime Fitness location. Here you can also view the specific hours for the specific locations. For example there might be specific hours for certain amenities that you want to be aware of before driving for your work out.