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[ad type=”msquare”]Supplementation has become very popular these days, with millions of people taking them for a number of reason, it is not surprising why it has become a multi-billion dollar industry. However, unlike prescription drugs, these supplements and the manufacturers that produce them are not heavily regulated. This means when you purchase and take any of the many supplements, you are taking huge risk with your health.

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One of main reasons why people use supplements these days is to replace deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. Multivitamins and mineral tablets makeup a large portion of the overall supplement sales, as many adults don’t always eat right and therefore don’t get enough of the key vitamins and minerals.

Another group, albeit smaller than first, take a wide range of supplement for other reasons, such as performance enhancing and other take them for improving their overall quality of life. Lately, more and more people have be focusing on the quality and safety of the supplements they are taking and looking for the manufacturers to be much more transparent when it comes to the ingredients and product labeling.

While expecting the manufacturers to do a better job of policing themselves is laughable at best, it is hard to tell if expecting the government to all of a sudden begin to regulate the supplement industry isn’t equally laughable. As we find ourselves in early stages of 2017, there are a number of trends that are expected to dominate that supplement industry and below is just a small list.

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Trends in Supplementation for 2017

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#1 Natural and Botanical-based Supplements – More and more consumers are becoming more sophisticated when it comes to the supplements they buy. They are looking for more supplement options from manufacturers that use only all natural, botanical ingredients in all of their products. They are also wanting to trust that the supplements are all safe and labeled correctly.

#2 Probiotics – One of the top ingredients being put into supplements is Probiotics and they can be found in a variety of supplements and are readily available at a number of different sources both online and in stores. These probiotics are most commonly used to enhance the body’s natural immune system.

#3 Alternative Formularies – Many of the supplements that are on the market come in either tablet, capsule or coated caplets. Some of these tablets and capsules are rather large and they are a bit difficult to swallow easily. This has lead some manufactures to change how the make some of its products and this includes in what form they come in like; vitamins that can be found in Gummie form. There are other types of supplements that now being made in liquid form and administered under the tongue or drink from a dosing cup.

#4 Performance Enhancing – One leading supplements for men these days are testosterone enhancing products. With so many men suffering from the effects of low T, which effects a number of aspects of a man’s life. So, it is not surprising that one to top trending supplements would be one that is used to boost a man’s free testosterone in the blood stream. There are other types of performance that are being seen as being helped by supplements and that would include improved brain function.

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